Based on my understanding of this runtime upgrade, which could be very wrong, I want to point some things out to any who may care but have not had time to review changes. These are my opinions and analysis; what I say does not represent the team, project, community, or anyone else.
The removal of HubAssetImbalance (HAI) in v35.0 will lock in any impermanent loss (IL) experienced by liquidity providers (LP) instead of allowing protocol fees or some other mechanism to bring HAI back to zero. It could be argued this is unfair to LP.
I am going to explain why I support this runtime upgrade anyway:
If you have been paying attention as an LP provider, you already know that over longer timescales, HAI generally moves in only one direction: more negative. In other words, speaking in generalizations, HAI would never return to the level it was when you provided LP. You were going to be stuck with IL anyway in the current runtime.
I agree with the team’s conclusion that this new system will benefit LP. This upgrade will increase LP's profits.
There is a security update bundled with this runtime upgrade.
Restoring HAI to zero would cost the protocol a lot of money. At the time of my writing this, HAI is 347,727 H2O or approximately $9.4M. Having the protocol pay this is counterproductive to my objective of seeing this project succeed.
It would be unfair to lay the burden of all LP’s IL on the protocol. The old system was built, marketed, and advertised as socializing IL. It would be contrary and wrong for everyone else to get restored (or over-restored) while the protocol suffers other's IL (along with its own).
For complicated reasons that I don’t want to spend the time writing up, I believe restoring HAI to zero before or after v35.0 would allow some LPs to benefit more than is fair or appropriate. Some LPs would have more value than they should have, even assuming zero IL.
It would be unfair to past LPs who already realized their IL.
Non-protocol LPs have been generously compensated for their service via rewards.
Experiencing IL is the norm for LP in crypto.
Would have preferred this for tier 4.
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