Special NFTs for HydraDX LBP OGs

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Up 12

Great idea, I like it

Up 2

Very cool idea!!! The team should have thought about this for a long time.


This is entirely fair. The team should support this idea.

Up 1

I hope the devs will pay attention to such a great idea

Up 1

Nice idea


hey @Gret...ydra I like the initiative but there is a problem related to the identification of the LBP participants

there is no possible way to link the eth addresses with the HDX addresses

On the other hand, I think it is possible to know which addresses came from the tesnet to the parachain, through the genesis block, but not sure, need research more jajaj

Surely this has been talked about internally in the GC team, as a community initiative I wouldn't be against at least having an NFT based on early community members.

and as more functions come out, to see how to make the NFT useful, it would be good to add utility to it in separate discussions

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the community supports the project!
the project is supported by the community!
this is the way to success


And something more specific about future utilities, if they can be bought, what happens if a user has more than one? the benefits accumulate ? (in the same wallet, because a user can simply make different accounts and buy from there)


Nice, I support the idea overall, I have just two remarks:

  1. There is an easy way how to determine LBP holders: https://hydradx.subscan.io/event?address=&module=claims&event=claim&startDate=&endDate=&startBlock=&endBlock=&timeType=date&version=138
  2. The "special" connection between us and Kodadot is that their UI runs on top of Basilisk where you have a proper parachain NFT marketplace with royalties&offers, so I see no reason to use RMRK for it.

Thanks for the effort my friend put in. This might be a good idea, but it seems to be of limited use. xhdx is already in the form of NNFT at this time, and it seems that the role of developing a new NFT is not very obvious.
I am neutral on this proposal. I just hope the price keeps pump.


Fully supportive. Two-plus years with the project already.


Great idea, I agree with the author.


Absolutely agree!
An idea is good, I support it, I didn’t participate in LBP, but I might buy this NFT
(c) Zhdnun decom888

Up 1

I support this idea!


Great work! It should be realised!


nice! Good idea!


Cool concept, I'll definitely upvote :like:


Hello Greta,

I must say that i am not convinced with the idea of creating nfts with special benefits for "OGs".

First of all you may be an og and an active contributor but that is not the case for everyone. Just because someone was there 2 years ago that shouldn't give you a special benefit. In fact your LBP contribution got 3x and you were able to stake them for an additional 70%. The hydra team even decided to cut down the total tokens by 35% which basically boosted your tokens scarcity by another 50%. As you can clearly see "OGs" have been taken care of. Only 4x needed from here to be breakeven although we are still in the bear. For kusama it's basically 20x from here.

From the technical side i really don't see at all why these nfts should save the protocol from a governance attack. I mean you have the committee, the council and then the community to protect the governance.

Furthermore I wanna add that it's never a good look when the first people who reply to these posts are holding minuscule amounts of HDX as this seems coordinated and not organic. Very strong fresh credit vibes for me personally.

What i personally could agree to tho is a nft collection like talisman has for active contributions in the past and in the future. You be an active contributor to the protocol and this will get honored. Not some "we were there 2 years ago" batch.


I don't want to say yes or no for this idea, but from technical side, if we do it anywhere else than natively on HydraDX or Basilisk (both have NFTs) then it will be very complex and incur significant development cost and time bordering insane ( in terms of cost and delays for something else ) for such feature.

Instead, If we go with this, I would propose to plug it in Staking natively as we just finished the spec.

Staking will give you bonus points for voting in governance and later, for doing various actions. This + time points for being long term staker moves you towards max yield (collected from HDX pool fees in v1). What we could do is 2 things.

  1. Holding Hydra / Snek OG NFT boost these points by some %
  2. Just boost OG address by some % whenever they are staking

This would be easy enough to implement and doable in a short time maybe even for V1 or shortly after.

P.S. I don't expect these NFTs to have any significant volume of trades to even consider the fees to contribute to something significant but I agree that Hydra/Snek NFTs already support resale so it's a real no-go to even consider other EVM chain.

P.P.S. Staking is intended to protect governance with it's bonus points for voting and taking action in it.



I'll add a few thoughts to the discussion:

  • NFTs for OGs has been talked about for a long time, so certainly not against it in principal
  • I feel it would be of more value to include more criteria to distribution of these NFTs though, in order to make it more of an earned reward/ more scarce in the first place - some examples of qualifying criteria could be:
    • OG balance of HDX on parachain genesis
    • Maintained balance of HDX on snapshot date (rules out those that have left)
    • X number of on-chain tx/ governance participation (including Council) since parachain genesis (identifies those who actually take part in adding value to HydraDX)
      • Community regulars, possibly nominated by Community Managers (again, to identify those who regularly contribute)
  • The NFTs would absolutely have to be native to HydraDX to ensure they could actually be used for on-chain benefits, ruling out RMRK/ EVM - as stated above by (based on knowledge of our staking spec) presumably Panik
  • With regards to the prizes for producing the artwork/ NFTs, I would propose to pump those rookie numbers up so that we can attract some serious artistic talent - given the time that a decent piece would likely take to produce
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