This post opens the discussion around what to do with our existing POL WETH positions in the Omnipool - token holders have already approved the OTC swap of WETH (MRL) sitting in the Treasury (309.2) into ETH (snowbridge) once it becomes available. Current ETA is beginning/ middle of March.
This can then be used to launch snowbridge ETH for trading in the Omnipool - however, I would propose that we instead launch a wstETH/ ETH stablepool and put that into the Omnipool.
We have ~857 WETH (MRL) sitting as POL LP (as well as ~15K H2O) so we could in total swap 1166 WETH (MRL) for 50/50 ETH & wstETH (approx 583 WETH or $1.5M equivalent at time of writing).
This opens up the opportunity to add yield-bearing ETH to Supply & Borrow, as well as the wstETH/ETH stablepool shares (bigETH anyone??).
The course of actions would look something like the following: