Stats page overhaul

1mo ago
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  • AI Summary

Can add filter in the graph

  1. Filter for specific asset on Y-axis chart.
  2. Filter for days, months, year.
Up 1

Ability to see the stats per account(total volume, volume by Omni pool assets, volume by isolated pools, etc). Probably fees paid, referral rewards earned, count referrers/referrals.

Up 2

A running balance of total and distributable protocol revenue/fees over the previous 30, 60, 180, and 365 days and YTD! Similar to what Bifrost will be doing with their Protocol Profits page...

Up 2

Here are some suggestions for improved stats pages. I’ve broken them down into three main sections, though I recognize some overlap and suggest condensing them into two —Omnipool and MyStats— for simplicity.

1. Omnipool

  • TVL & Volume Display:
    • Combined display with customizable timelines (All/1Y/1M/1D/1Hr)
    • Consistent stats visuals with trade page
  • Interactive Asset-Specific Data:
    • Clickable assets showing individual stats
    • Option to compare single asset performance against others or total platform metrics
  • Advanced Metrics:
    • Trade count to analyze trading patterns
    • Possibility to use visual TVL representation using square heatmaps (similar to
    • Daily/Monthly Active Users chart
    • More readable APY/APR comparison across different pools, farming and future lending options
    • Real-time fee and network statistics
  • Security:
    • Platform uptime and incident-free days
    • Audit status and history

2. Treasury

  • Reward Distribution:
    • Total rewards given back to users over time
    • Breakdown of reward types (e.g., yield, airdrops, incentives)
  • Community Engagement Metrics:
    • Number and status of governance proposals
    • Voting participation rates
  • Competitive Advantages:
    • Unique selling points (e.g., "Lowest average transaction fees in DeFi")
    • Comparative performance against traditional finance (e.g., "X% higher yields than average savings accounts"). This might be a tricky path though.

3. My Stats

  • Customisable Dashboard:
    • Favorite assets charts with adjustable timeframes (same as Omnipool)
    • Volume/Price correlations
  • Alert System:
    • Integration with Web3 alert services for personalized browser notifications
  • Portfolio Analytics:
    • Total portfolio value on the platform
    • Performance metrics (ROI, gains/losses over time)
    • Detailed, filterable transaction history
  • Reward Tracking:
    • Breakdown of earned yields, airdrops, and other incentives
  • Fee Analysis:
    • Total and average gas fees spent
  • Risk Management Tools:
    • Visual portfolio diversification indicator
    • Impermanent Loss Calculator/visualization. This visual could help alleviate traders concerns by demonstrating how Hydration, along with Omnipool and H2O, mitigates impermanent loss.

Interactive Elements:

  • Calls-to-action embedded within charts for quick trading or liquidity provision
  • One-click asset filtering for focused analysis

The interactive elements and visual representations will enhance user engagement. This would appeal to more in depth technical/savvy people that will be using the charts for increased Hydration use while also helping new traders navigating through different choices.

