What to do with HydraDX PINK supply?

1yr ago
AI Summary
Up 4

should be added to omnipool as liquidity, also some amount can be given as a reward to hdx stakers

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Would like to see fair distribution for hdx holders and stakers, maybe something like the higher conviction and action points as I feel bigger accounts are always rewarded much more linearly wise and the whales always win, atleast fair distribution through action points or every holder receives same amount not leavings the smaller holders behind as everyone in different parts of the world are in different financial situations some don't have the option to hold as much hdx as they would like to begin with.

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I vote to give it all to Ben, heard great things about that guy!

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Ahh man - wrong account

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Creating an Isolated Pool should be the job of the PINK team, let's allocate it to HDX holders and voting

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Create a pool HDX/Pink with incentive of pink.


act too slowly, like stellaswap beamswap uniswap dex should do something to catch the $pink swap and eyes and liquidity from market users. Please tell us what happend and how to catch next opportunity like $ded and so on.

Up 13

I think it should be distributed as a reward to HDX stakers, based on stake + some multiplier for e.g. higher conviction voting/ more Action Points. My reasoning is that I don't know if 6 million will be enough Pink to create a LP.

If the Pink team wants to create an LP on Hydra, that should be up to them to provide liquidity.

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The size is not size. But it could be with another referendum, i.e. use treasury funds to buy more Pink and combine it with the 6.5M then add to the Omnipool. With the current DED fiasco, Pink has become Polkadot's defacto DOGE. If you could, would you put DOGE in the Omnipool? I think adding Pink to the Omnipool will benefit HDXs holders/stakers/voters better in the medium to long term and benefit Hydration Network overall.

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I would like to see a pool created on Hydration to get more attention on us. The rewards go back to HDX, if not possible than airdrop them to the holders and let them put liquidity.


I think distributing it to all the HDX stakers/voters is the best way to reward the community. This way will also bring a lot of buzz around the protocol itself

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Put 50% in an isolated pool with DOT (where is the DOT coming from?) so that it is tradable on the platform. Give 50% to stakers with the action points multiplier. Give the rest to Ben ;)

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Distribute to the community, 70% to HDX stakers and 30% to HDX token holders.

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Besides giving it all the @lolmcshizz , which is the obvious first choice...

I do think that setting up a liquidity pool with routing through the omnipool for stables is an absolute must. Right now, the liquidity is sparse and fragmented. BrainDexRouter is a great option, but putting more volume through Hydra is the best approach imo. A small pool can be added by the team I imagine, but having a larger pool here will not only allow for better trading, but a better trading experience

I think it would be great to give to stakers too - but liquidity is king and that's how you get people to Hydra and to Polkadot

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HAHA the ben idea is not bad.

Im agreed with @Csaint02 proposition


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I need to think and research more. I am too ignorant on the project and developer. After DED we need to be careful.


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Simple math:
6.5M PINK = 38,5k USD

6.5M PINK / 1,229 bil. HDX staked = 0,0053 PINK per 1 HDX.
So 10k staked HDX = possible drop of 53 PINK (worth 0,34 USD).
100k HDX = 3,4 USD
1 mil HDX = 34 USD and so on...

So me personally, I would put 50% into Hydration incentives (that time it will be like 10x maybe haha), 40% for creating isolated pool and 10% to Ben

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i would say convert %50 pink via otc to dot (to let enthusiasts get some pink )or other option?

Create the pool and done,

that would get more eyes to the protocol, more people, more trading and more fees (since route with other Omnipool assets)

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Forgive me if it is a dumb question. Why not an isolated pool with HDX instead of DOT? Would it not drive the demand for HDX?

A smaller percentage of distribution for HDX holders/stakers and HDXb holders in addition to isolated pool/pools for enabling trading of PINK.


It makes no sense to distribute such a small amount of money to all HDX holders or stakers. Of course, it can be all distributed to Ben, who is a very sunny guy.

Alternatively, enter PINK directly into the Omnipool as POL and take the opportunity to test the health of HydraDX’s defense mechanism against toxic assets.


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Reward stakers and holders


I would create a PINK/HDX isolated pool using Treasury HDX to prevent dividing the pool by 50%, HDX could be recovered later.


Do anything to make the price of HDX go up............
