Wormhole asset migration (part 2)

1yr ago
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I agree that we can continue with the change of bridge assets from acala to wormhole Moonbeam, however, I recommend it be in small batches

300k of each assets per batch, as the Omnipool cannot be left without liquidity (that also serve as an anchor for the stability of LRNA and Omnipool prices due the volatile of the others)

Up 2

I am all in favor to migrate the liquidity from Acala to Moonbeam, however this means that all the LRNA accumulated on these positions would have to be liquidated, which can be detrimental to the stability of LRNA. Also shouldn't we leave a small amount of Acala liquidity as well?

I guess these actions need to be weighted properly, there is no rush.

We can do this incrementally.


the other point that we should talk would be like the previous comment says:

" should we leave liquidity in acala wormhole assets? "

or just remove all and pass it to Moonbeam wormhole assets

I would prefer everything to Moonbeam assets, but I don't know what the consequences of that would be?

And in turn, what happens with the position that was "burned" at Omnipool? How do we move them or do them just stay there as liquidity?

Up 1

I am in agreement with Jose here, we can take out time to do it. I am in favor of moving assets from acala wormhole to Moonbeam but let's go step by step.


only aye to this proposal , we have almost useless liq in weth wbtc on monnbeam , we need increase and increase to reach volume and not just dead liquidity in this pairs + acala not so trusty for me .


I think we should respect Acalas wishes and Exodus their project. 100% Aye to migration to Moonbeam. The risk profile is way better than Acalas.
