#67·HRMP Channel Requests, Register ZTG & CFG on HydraDX Asset Registry

1yr ago

This referendum, if approved, will:

  • Accept HRMP channel open request from Zeitgeist
  • Send HRMP channel open request to Zeitgeist
  • Register ZTG on HydraDX Asset Registry
  • Accept HRMP channel open request from Centrifuge
  • Register CFG on HydraDX Asset Registry
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I think the project ZTG is not ready to be listed on Hydra Omnipool yet. + I am confused by their tokenomics. That's why I voted against it. imho
The Centrifuge on the contrary is one of the most suitable projects for listing in ominipool
It was not worth combining them in one vote

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A couple of things,

  1. What about their tokenomics is confusing? I have not looked closely at their tokenomics and if those have changed since migrating to Polkadot
  2. IMO, Zeitgeist has been completely nuked from launching on Kusama (ded chain) as well as only having one primary liquidity source (some exchange nobody has ever heard of), with both of these things having occurred, the ZTG coin seems to be relatively 0 risk to Omnipool
  3. Omnipool MUST work with other teams to attract liquidity. Proof of concept is important and if ZTG team is willing to deposit treasury funds and it is successful, big fish soon to follow. (@Sota take notes)
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